Tuesday, August 19, 2008

can't believe i just posted

Today I wore full length socks and the feeling resembles that of wearing socks with sandals. I've been thinking about cutting them with scissors into homemade ankle socks. Then I would worry about them feeling too loose around the ankle. Either way, I feel like I made the worst mistake of the month of August. Thank goodness the month is almost over.

The thought hit me a while ago; do urinal producers calculate the angle that will best minimize splash back. I'm sorry all women readers for that horrible brain thought. Let the record show that this did not occur to me while I was at a urinal.

The Dave Matthews Band finally made it back to Houston. Dave himself complained about the hot weather then said the people were all very pretty. I would've used direct quotes but I don't remember the exact words he used. Then his show rocked my shoes off. I stood in the grass barefooted and danced my booty off by only swaying my hips, legs, head, and torso.

Ever since the Olympics have been on I have been late for work everyday. The USA National Anthem almost brings tears to my eyes each and every time it's played.

The tallest lady I have ever seen just walked into my office. I have no idea how she ties her shoes.

Last entry's answer was three.

What contest of team strength was an official Olympic event from 1900 to 1920?


prin said...
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Father Rob said...

The saxaphone player from DMB died.

Tug of War.

Anonymous said...

Yeah NasaBoy is back, NasaBoy is back ... come on make my summer and check my blog from work again ... then it shows NASA is reading NerdGirl and then I get all puffed up and happy ... phew ...

urinals. The better question about urinal designers would be this:

Why did some man think it was a good idea for men to pee beside each other? Why? Dont you get stage fright?

Stephanie said...

Tug of War was my guess to. I'm right aren't I. In the history of your blog I think this is the first one I have known. Which means either you are slacking or I'm getting smarter.

Full length socks are only cool if they are soccer socks, and if you are David Beckham. Sorry Matt.

Stephanie said...

I mispelled too. Darn it. I guess we now know I'm NOT getting smarter, so you must be slacking.

prin said...
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