Monday, April 21, 2008

nothing but some cool chairs here, seriously

I'm not sure what to write about; not too much to share today. I did, however, share something with the men's room. Added some much needed reading material to the backside of the stall door. I'm sure the hard working NASA engineers will be eternally grateful for my contribution. I really don't see it necessary to celebrate for this time of giving. If everyone would just be happy that would be enough.

If my weekends were about 1 to 2 days longer I'd be much happier. Mondays should be considered to be included into weekends.

Sitting in these would comfort my back a lot more.

Stink is back. I really hope he took care of that problem while he was out all week. Still haven't pull my shirt down over my nose yet.

Suspenders keeps smiling at me with a huge grin. I'm not sure how I should react or feel about this. I just keep thinking, what would someone with good looks and a smart brain do in this situation? I've got nothing.

I think a record has been set today. Me and Utility Al have sent about 56 Monk-e-Mails between the two of us. It makes me LOL.

I just heard a dirty song on the radio. I'm torn on whether or not I should give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. Pandora's rating system isn't very sophisticated. I think that's the biggest word I have yet to write on my blog. Crap, I didn't mean to talk about my blog in my blog. I swore to never do that. I'm sorry America. I'm sorry Canada. I'm sorry England. I'm sorry South Africa. I'm sorry Australia.

I have to buy three wedding presents. One wedding was in August and the other two were in December. All three were in 2007. I'm a little late and a horrible friend. Will they still accept my presents? Should I just send a post card and some NASA stickers? The NASA stickers always seem to make people forget every wrong thing that has ever happened to them. People love free stuff. That's why I stole 200 stickers. If anyone from work reads this I'm screwed.

What is the least popular month for U.S. weddings?

Last entry's answer was Thomas Edison.


prin said...
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Anonymous said...


Canada does not rock.

I'll take two NASA stickers.

Lip Smacker said...

OH, that should be on the wedding registry - NASA Stickers. I'm telling on you by the way. Maybe suspenders keeps smiling at you because he knows about your stickers.

My guess, April.

HWHL said...

I'd say January.

I'd love some NASA stickers.
That might make up for an otherwise lame post. ;-)

prin said...
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Anonymous said...

I am guessing September.
If I had some NASA stickers I would stick them all over my nice new handbag like you did at school.
Please send me some.
I am an advocate of a four day week.

Anonymous said...

I say try winking at suspenders.

Your first paragraph frightened me.

Father Rob said...

there is no freakin way that more people would rather shake your hand than batman's.


Canada blows.

prin said...
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