blind date
When walking the halls at work, there is always a pressing question lingering around in my head. Do I make eye contact or not? Most of the time the people here just stare at the floor. If they're not, I'll look at them and then glance around at other random stuff and bring the eye contact back just before our passing. If we make a connection, then what? Do I give a nod or a "hey"? This is the hardest part of my day.
Is a 32 year old woman too old for a 23 year old boy? Don't worry friends, it's not for me.
I sat by a girl at the baseball game on Saturday. The sun was hot that day. We had conversation. She thought the word 'balk' was a dirty word. After I explained to her what it was we proceeded to discuss other words that we thought were dirty. In the end we realized that I was the kid in middle school that didn't know the meanings of dirty words and she was the cool kid who knew every meaning. She probably still thought I was uncool.
I just saw two ducks fighting in the pond outside. Did I really need to say outside? Two were fighting and another was trying to break them up or either taking advantage of some cheap shots on the second one.
I didn't get a cookie cake. Someone girl did bring rice crispy treats and some small pumpkin cookies that were awesomely good. But no cookie cake. You should've seen the sadness on my face.
The baseball season has started! Gotta get my tickets asap. I once put myself in hot water for using the term "asap". Let me start over...The baseball season has started. Gotta get my tickets soon. Only field level seats for me. I plan on catching 17 foul balls this year. First, I have to get an Astros t-shirt. I feel like a total dork for wearing green, blue stripes, or orange shirts to the games.
While driving home yesterday the roommate slept. I tried to hit every bump in the road. Didn't want to ride the loud bumps on the side of the road because those are too obvious. By hitting real bumps it's not only loud but uncomfortable while trying to sleep.
Who was the first National Leaguer to hit 50 home runs in two consecutive seasons?
Last entry's answer was athlete's foot.