Friday, June 6, 2008

it's finally friday...i'm free again, almost

NBA Finals were last night and I only watched part of the second quarter, most of the third and none of the fourth. My favorite part happened when the guy came back from the locker room and everyone cheered. That would make me feel like a million dollars and makes me want to dunk three times in a row. The first being a tomahawk, second a through the legs, and finally a 360. The crowd goes wild.

Yesterday I worked mission support, again. This time I had been upgraded to a higher position but the work was less than before. I was the Coordinator. I say that like Arnold Schwarzenegger says Terminator. I think they just like having me in there because I have a pretty face and I know a few jokes. I showed them and didn't tell a single joke the entire time. Woo!

Who knew pistachios were so freaking addictive? I think I ate about 234 of them yesterday. No idea whose they were but I just keep eating them. They're like crack in the form of a nut. It wouldn't surprise me if drugs, cigarettes, and beer were made from pistachios. I woke up this morning thinking about them and my mouth began to salivate. Salivate is a gross word.

Sorry for saying "Woo!" in the second paragraph. It was really unnecessary.

If you let water sit long enough to cool or warm to room temperature and then put some on your skin, why does it feel cooler?

My fantasy baseball team has gone to crap over the past 3-4 weeks. I feel like throwing my computer but I won't. It would cost me too much to replace a broken government computer, or not.

I deleted the paragraph that was here because I thought it was stupid and a waste of time and space.

Someone is in the hall way decked out in asbestos survival gear. He's wearing the full outfit and a face mask while digging around in the ceiling stirring up all sorts of crazy dust. In the back of my mind I don't see this as safe. What's keeping me from inhaling trash? He does have the small area he is working in taped off with caution tape though. As if the harmful dust would stay in that confined area only. Sometimes I just wonder. Sorry the picture is a little fuzzy, I think it was because of all the harmful dust in the air.

Lost Boys: Rufio! Rufio! Ru-Fi-OOOOOOOOOOOOOh!

How many NBA titles did Magic Johnson help the Lakers win as a player?

Last entry's answer was the Bulls.


Father Rob said...

Rufio sucks. I like the fat kid from Hook that could somehow turn into a ball and knock pirates over like they were bowling pins.

My answer: HIV Positive

prin said...
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Anonymous said...

Why are you letting water sit out and then putting it on your skin anyway? It feels cooler because you are warmer than room temperature.

Shandra said...

I don't know jack about the NBA.

woo woo.

Father Rob said...

woo woo.

prin said...
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Lip Smacker said...

Once I was at work and the computer across from me caught on fire. It was crazy, but I guess it could have been from all the dust in the air. You could blame the dust for throwing your computer...;)