tuesday VII
In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. In 2007, Matt didn't have to see Kevin. He's the guy from work that I don't know. Thank goodness his name rhymes with seven, or else I'd have a crappy second sentence. This was my first Columbus Day off with pay. So in honor of Columbus I spent one day's worth of pay on a toy boat. I played with it in the resistance pool today. Some kid was in the regular pool and I didn't want him to touch or see it.Recently I have discovered the mind-blowing capabilities of the photo booth on my new computer. Old news to most, but like Christmas to me. More than likely I'll frame this one because it is art and hang it above the new couch when it comes in. If it ever does come in. Taking new pictures is like crack. I want to take more from every angle, color, and effect. Why do I look so good? I'm an idiot. No I'm not.
The Saints lost again. One more loss and I'm pulling out the paper sacks and calling them the Aints. I can't handle this. Please, a win next week? Just one.
Did the music get anyone in trouble at work? If the answers are positive please respond, if not, hold your tongue.
I missed Heroes again. 2 more days till The Office though.
The playoffs were tonight. Yankees 4, Indians 6. I couldn't be more excited now. Well maybe. All my money is still on the Rockies. More than likely they'll lose, just because I'm pulling for them. I'm a curse. Why me? Probably because I take stupid pictures with the photo booth and I write a blog about nothing. I'm going to bed. This post will be finished tomorrow at work.
Now I really wish I would have finished this post last night. I have been in Mission Support Simulation all freakin day and now I'm tired and cranky. So there. If you don't like go dress a turtle in a red t-shirt.
Go Rockies! What was Babe Ruth's lifetime batting average?
Last entry's answer was Wisk.
I'm your first comment. Boy, do I feel like a stalker.
You know "lose" and "loose" are two different words, right? :)
Are you going to write about what happened with your girl(s) you keep mentioning on my page? I can't keep up. And I want the deets.
Columbus is proud of you.
I did that on purpose. Wanted to see if you were paying attention since you're an editor. You passed. A-
All Italians should have Columbus day off with pay...I, unfortunatly, had to take a vacation day to sit in the Nashville aorport with a crying baby next to me for 4 hours.
Sorry but THAT is NOT art. Heroes was nothing to write home about last night. That show is annoying, sometimes its good but most of the time its not. Wow, brown sugar cinnamon is dominating in the poll. Not going to even guess the answer today (stupid sports).
I thought Columbus was Spanish. He was Italian? I blame my parents for sending me to public school.
I will guess 323 for Babe Ruth..
You are a mere chitlin to me, but DAMNIT if you don't look HOT with that pink raft. *drool*
[waiting for the pedophilia police to show up at my kiddie porn sanctuary]
Go to NBC.com to watch past episode of Heroes. I wouldn't personally bother. It's nothing compared to 1st season. Kinds sucks this season. I expected that though
I was wondering if that was just me or if you had music on your site. I enjoyed it, good thing I always have headphones in. You should watch House, thats where its at.
Go Red Sox (Boston Rules). Ruth's lifetime batting average was .393. I think.
Columbus was Italian and was hired by Spain to discover new land for them...basically they found a Home Depot and instead of hiring a mexican from the parking lot they got an Italian. You know we look a like anyways.
You've broken my geeky heart by saying that anything that sounds as cool as Mission Support Simulation could make you cranky and tired. Too much of a good thing?
Oooo...just noticed that this is the second time you used tuesday VI.
Also that picture is defintiely needs to be framed or put on a canvas or something! I bet you put on that "M" shirt just for the pics...
martini, You can be my stalker any day. I don't know what girls you're talking about. You're my only one.
rob, That is Art. You're just not educated.
prin, Dont' listen to Rob, he's an idiot.
rs, I'm sure you have way more education that I'll ever have. Don't feel stupid. That was a stupid response on my part. I'm sorry.
blonde, You're pretty too. I like your sunglasses.
gem, Now I'm in a bad mood. I was looking forward to the show.
joen, I can't watch House because I told my old roommate it was stupid.
206, You're just full of Columbus information. What do you know about Stonewall Jackson?
stryker, You can take my place in there any day.
burd, You can just leave me alone.
Stonewall Jackson was General for the Confederates. Thats all I know. Not sure what was so great about him...he wasn't Italian...Capire?
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