Monday, August 6, 2007

beads for bourbon

I'm eager to report that America's favorite color is green. Even if the poll would have chosen a different color The Girl's vote would have trumped it. So eat that blue, orange, red, brown, maroon, purple, yellow, gold, and pink. On a downer note, Old Guy will not be present at work all week. As a result the remaining post for the next 4 days will be painfully dull. He happens to be in the city that is below sea level, New Orleans. I suspect that he didn't pack clothes, but rather a suitcase full of beads. That city will never be the same.

Nothing exciting happened to me at all this weekend. Friday night I rented The Number 23 and watched it by myself in the dark. I cannot wait till I turn 24, the thought of being 23 right now just scares me. Today's date: 08/06/2007. 0+8+0+6+2+0+0+7=23

Saturday night The Girl and I saw the Bourne Ultimatum, she didn't pay. I truly think that there's nothing Jason Bourne can't do. (That sentence has a double negative, I hope it makes sense.) Except beat me up, with his hand tied behind his back while sitting down. My favorite song in the whole movie was at the end while the credits were rolling. Too bad The Girl was ready to leave.

At the vending machine earlier my crackers did not fall. I only thought that happened on tv. When I came back with more money the crackers had fallen and were missing. I hope they were good. I'm hungry.

Beatrice: What on earth was it?!
Edgar: Sugar.
Beatrice: I've never seen sugar do that.
Edgar: Give me sugar...In water...More.
Beatrice: Edgar, your skin! It's -- it's -- just hanging off your bones!
Edgar: That better?
-Men in Black

How many flowers are in the design stamped on each side of an Oreo cookie?

Last entry's answer was yes, for around 15 seconds.


Anonymous said...

Awesome question, no idea, I'm going to guess 12.

joen05 said...

Glad to hear everyone is enjoying Bourne... I need to make some time to see it definitely! Hope the days aren't too dull w/o Old Guy. Try looking for double wires game online... I use that to pass the time.

Daszzle said...

Have you ever heard Mitch Hedburg's vending machine joke? I feel like you would appreciate it. In fact you might appreciate all his jokes.

Anonymous said...

Wait, confused by the line, "..The Girl didn't pay" -- did you expect her to? Or was this just indicating that it was, in fact, a date? I just need details for my dating research. :) Also, I guess 4. And finally, I heart Mitch Hedburg -- "I have a belt on that's holding up my pants, and my pants have belt loops that holding up my belt. I don't know what's really happenin' down there. Who is the real hero?"

prin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

be a man and shake the vending machine

Cindy said...

I sent the page to my mom this morning we have already spent an hour on the phone today. Thanks for the bad advice.

Love the blog

Anonymous said...

I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommend by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.